Institutional citizenship
- 27/06/2022: Conference organization. Member of the organizing and scientific committee for the 5th Crick Postdoc Symposium in London (United Kingdom) with 160 attendees. The programme comprised two plenary talks, 11 short oral communications, exhibited 38 posters and awarded 4 prizes.
- 26-28/05/2021: Conference organization. Member of the organizing and scientific committee for the VIII Youth Researchers Meeting in Santiago de Compostela (Spain) with 300 attendees. The programme comprised three plenary talks, three parallel sessions gathering 135 short oral communications and exhibited 67 posters. Watch here the “Awards and closing speech” or Check here the news
- 2021 – 2022: PhD alumni representative. Spokeswoman of doctoral students on the International Doctoral School Direction Committee (EDIUS). Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
- 2017 – 2018: PhD alumni representative. Spokeswoman of doctoral students on the International Doctoral School Committee (EIDO) and representative of the Quality Commission of the same body. Universidade de Vigo, Spain.
- 2016 – 2018: Consortium secretariat. Secretary of the International Common Cockle Genome Consortium (ICCGC). Three face-to-face symposiums were organized to address the goals of building a reference genome for the cockle species.
Professional Membership

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