Skills, trainings courses and certifications

Training courses and certifications

Think outside the square. Think for yourself, don’t just follow the herd. Think multidisciplinary!
Problems by definition cross many academic disciplines.
Lucas Remmerswaal

2023: Sauveteur Secouriste (SST). Université de Caen Normandie, FRANCE. First aid training for accidents in field missions. Hours: 14.
2017: Craft Skipper License (sailing specialization, PER). Consellería do Mar (Xunta de Galicia) and Sailway, SPAIN. Hours: 60 (30h theory, 16h engine, 12h VHF, 16h sailing, 1h30 exam)
2017: Animal Experimentation Certificate (A+B+C+D+E). Centro de Estudios Biosanitarios, SPAIN. Hours: 140 (practicum of fish and rodents). Capacitated by Comunidad de Madrid, SPAIN.
2014: Open Water Diver License. Scuba Schools International (SSI) and Mergullo Compostela, SPAIN. Hours: 60
2012: Monitora de Actividades de Tiempo Libre. Escola Aire Libre de Cáritas Diocesana de Santiago, SPAIN. Certified by Consellería de Traballo (Xunta de Galicia). Hours: 350.
2007: Elementary Music Degree (specialties: traverse flute and piano). Conservatorio Profesional de Música de Viveiro, SPAIN. Years: 5


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  • Sea Women Expeditions (2022). Arctic Norway ocean research endorsed by the UN Ocean Decade.Collect samples for an eDNA project aiming to assess phytoplankton (project leader Kirsten Müller, University of Waterloo, Canada). Watch Here an outreach activity



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