Outreach activities

Commitment to public outreach is central in my career and therefore, I am always willing to participate on activities that engage society with the excitement of science. I have even participated in making a children’s colouring book .

Outreach Statistics

Scientific fairs (5)

Videos (6)

Miscellaneous initiatives (4)

General public talks (8)

Opinion editorials (3)

Popular science articles (12)

School visits (16: 10 Spanish + 3 British + 1 French + 1 Canadian + 1 USA)

Topic: Atelier des chercheurs et chercheuses Six sessions of 87 students.

Topic: La bióloga Alicia López Bruzos acerca la ciencia a los niños del colegio de Galdo Two classes, one with students aged 6-8 and another with students aged 11-12.

Topic: La voz de la mujer STEM Students aged 15-16.

Biology sudents aged 15-16. Topic: 11 de febrero More info

2 primary-school classes aged 6-7. Topic: Conócelas-ASEICA

Students aged 13. Topic: Conócelas-ASEICA

Topic: Exploring By The Seat of Your Pants. Initiative established on 2015 to connect those on the frontlines of science and exploration to classrooms through virtual sessions; 3,500+ live events, connecting over a million students with scientists and explorers in 100 countries. Together with Dr. Wing Yan (U. Melbourne, Australia), we gave a talk about Water sampling on the Arctic Polar Circle for a eDNA project. Watch Here

I gave two 15-min talks addresed to ~100 scholars aged 6-10. Topic: BSW is a ten-day celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths that took place between 11-20 March 2022.

2 primary-school classes aged 8-10. Topic: Conócelas-ASEICA. Pictures

Students of a public vocational training. Topic: 11 de febrero is a citizen initiative to commemorate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science through activities to visibilize the work of women who are dedicated to STEM areas and create female role models for children who can contribute to the choice of these areas as professional careers. More info

Biology students of high school level. Topic: In pandemic time, this project is connecting real-life scientists with classrooms across the globe. (2021) Class picture vs Scientist picture

School’s networking event for Year 9 female students. Topic: women in STEM.

2 classes aged 17-18. Topic: Semana de orientación laboral. One hour talking with high school students about their career orientation focusing on STEM and particularly in biology, biotechnology, and biochemistry.

2 classes aged 13-14. Topic: Conócelas-ASEICA A project to encourage girls to study STEM organized by the Spanish Association of Cancer Research. I gave a talk entitled “¿Qué nos puede enseñar un berberecho sobre el cáncer?” (2021) Pictures

9 classes aged 8-10. Topic: International DNA Day. (2019). Monitor of activities for pupils aged 8-10 organized for 9 primary-school classes in the International DNA Day (Colegio Compañía de María, Santiago de Compostela, Spain). Picture Here

Podcasting (2)

Contact Alicia L Bruzos

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