Download here a PDF version of my CV
- PhD. in Molecular Medicine, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (CiMUS institute), Spain.
- 2017 – 2022
- Specialization in Cancer.
- Title of Doctoral Thesis: “Evolution of bivalve transmissible cancers”
- MSc. in Higher Education Teaching, Universidad Europea, Spain.
- 2023 – ongoing
- MSc. in Bioinformatics, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain.
- 2015 – 2016
- Specialization in Genomics.
- Title of Master Thesis: “The Full Catalogue of L1 Active Loci in the Cancer Genome”
- BSc. in Biology, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
- 2011 – 2015
- Erasmus year abroad at Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium).
- Title of Degree thesis: “Interpopulation variability in the level of photosynthesis inactivation by heat stress in Arbutus unedo” (With Honours)
More details of my academic education
Language | Level* | Certification/s |
English | C1 | IELTS certification in July 2021; CAE certification in December 2014 |
French | B2 | DELF certification in May 2020 |
Galician | C1 | Celga certification in July 2011 |
Spanish | native | NA |
According to The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (A1/2 = Basic user; B1/2 = Independent user; C1/2 = Proficient user)
Work experience
Since 2016, I did 6 research stays abroad (one ongoing) totaling 47 months in 6 different countries. More than 85% of this time, as a postdoctoral researcher.
2023 – ongoing: Postdoctoral researcher (MSCA fellow) at Université de Caen Normandie, FRANCE.
2021 – 2023: Postdoctoral researcher (research assistant) at The Francis Crick Institute and University College of London, UNITED KINGDOM.
2016 – 2021: Predoctoral researcher (national predoctoral fellow) at Universidade de Santiago de Compostela and Universidade de Vigo, SPAIN.
- Centro de Ciências do Mar (CCMAR), Algarve, PORTUGAL. Jul-Aug 2024
- Korea Advance Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, SOUTH KOREA. Jan-Apr 2021
- University of Vigo, Vigo, SPAIN. Oct-Dec 2020
- National University of Ireland Galway, Galway, IRELAND. Mar-Apr 2019
- Pacific Northwest Research Institute (PNRI), Seattle, USA. Sep-Dec 2018
More details about my work experience
ORCID | WOK ResearcherID | Scopus Author ID |
0000-0003-4362-545X | D-7235-2018 | 57214752778 |
Over the ten years since the start of my scientific career (2016–present), I have authored 10 peer-reviewed JCR Q1 publications (8 of which are D1, international SCI journals), with an additional manuscript currently under review (Q1), and 10 book chapters with ISBN (6 of which as first author). Notably, I am first author on 4 publications, the corresponding author on one, and 5 are not co-authored by my thesis director, reflecting my capacity for autonomous research.
My work has garnered over 1,800 citations according to different sources:
Source | H-index | Date of access | Citations no. |
Gscholar | 9 | 22/12/2024 | 2,583 |
WOS | 5 | 22/12/2024 | 1,842 |
Scopus | 22 | 22/12/2024 | 4,697 |
ResearchGate | 11 | 22/12/2024 | 2,695 |
No. | Paper link & authors | Year | Journal & preprint repository | Impact Factor & rank* | First authorship or corresponding | Framework |
#11 | Bruzos AL et al.# | NA | Under review | NA | yes | Postdoc, France |
#10 | Riachi M et al. (includes Bruzos AL) | 2025 | JID | 7.590 (2021); D1 | no | Postdoc, UK |
#9 | Santamarina M, Bruzos AL et al. | 2024 | J Invert. Pathol. & SSRN | 3.6 (2023); Q1 | yes | PhD, Spain |
#8 | Bruzos AL et al. | 2023 | Nature Cancer & BioRxiv | 23.177 (2021); D1 | yes | PhD, Spain |
#7 | Martin SB, Polubothu S, Bruzos AL et al. | 2023 | JID | 7.590 (2021); D1 | yes | Postdoc, UK |
#6 | Hermida M et al. (includes Bruzos AL) | 2022 | Scientific reports & BioRxiv | 4.997 (2021); Q1 | - | Collaboration |
#5 | García-Souto D, Bruzos AL, Díaz S et al. | 2022 | Elife & BioRxiv | 8.713 (2021); D1 | yes | PhD, Spain |
#4 | Ricardo F et al. (includes Bruzos AL) | 2022 | STOTEN | 10.753 (2021); D1 | - | Collaboration |
#3 | Álvarez EG et al. (includes Bruzos AL) | 2021 | Nature Communications & BioRxiv | 17.694; D1 | - | Collaboration |
#2 | Rodríguez-Martín B et al. (includes Bruzos AL) | 2020 | Nature Genetics & BioRxiv | 38.333; D1 | - | Master/PhD, Spain |
#1 | PCAWG (includes Bruzos AL) | 2020 | Nature | 49.962; D1 | - | Master/PhD, Spain |
* IF taken from Journal Citation Report (JCR) for the year of the publication unless otherwise stated. Quartile (Q1 ≤ 0.25) and decile (D1 ≤ 0.1) rankings are indicated.
Find more details here.
I have presented my research at 52 national and international conferences across 9 countries. This includes the following:
- 5 invited speaker talks
- 20 oral communications delivered by myself
- 23 posters presentations (13 of which I personally presented)
- 8 invited seminars at scientific institutions in 4 different countries
- 6 award-winning contributions (3 for best talk and 3 for best poster)
- 3 events organized (in Spain, the UK, and France)
A full detailed list can be checked here
OUTREACH and MEDIA : Dissemination to society OUTREACH
Every year, I commit some time to make science accessible to society by organizing or joining different activities. To date, I have actively participated in over 40 public science outreach events, including 13 school visits, 12 popular science articles, 8 talks for the general public (e.g. Pint of Science in London, A Coruña, and Caen), 6 promotional videos (e.g., AquaExcel project), 4 workshops on scientific fairs, 3 opinion editorials, and 5 miscellaneous activities such as contributing to children’s science coulouring book or the school radio program of IES Mata Jove. Check here the full list.
I collaborate closely with press offices to disseminate my research, in coverage by outlets like the New York Times, BBC Radio, and El País. Beyond promoting my research, I am often invited to share my opinion on scientific careers, current topics, or to advocate for women in science. These initiatives highlight my dedication to science communication and my leadership in public engagement. Check my PR clipping for a curated selection of media features and an archive of over 250 media appearances across 10 countries.
- 2 Bachelor theses**
- 3 Master thesis
- 1 Erasmus intern
These experiences have allowed me to support early-career researchers while contributing to the academic programs of the institutions. More details
**One thesis was awarded for its linguistic quality.
In addition to an official master degree on teaching (see above), I have gained teaching experience (132.5 certified teaching hours) at five public universities across four countries (Spain, UK, France, and Chile), delivering theoretical and laboratory sessions in different languages (English, Spanish/Galician, and French) to undergraduate and master’s students across fields such as Biology, Medicine, and Bioinformatics. These experiences have refined my ability to adapt to diverse academic settings and foster critical thinking among students. More details
- Jury of Galicia Spin-Off Awards in 2024, called and organized by GCiencia.
- External evaluator of 2 PhD thesis.
- Profesor Ayudante Doctor (2023). Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad de la Acreditación (ANECA), Spain.
- Sea Women Expeditions (2022). Arctic Norway ocean research endorsed by the UN Ocean Decade.
- Research Supervision (2021). University College of London, United Kingdom.
- Craft Skipper (2017). Consellería do Mar, Xunta de Galicia, Spain.
- Animal Experimentation Certificate (A+B+C+D+E) (2017). Centro de Estudios Biosanitarios, Spain.
- Open Water Diver License (2014). Scuba Schools International (SSI), Spain.
Full detailed list can be checked here
- Member of the organizing and scientific committee of 3 conferences (in Spain, the UK, and France)
- Elected twice as PhD alumni representative in Spain
- Consortium secretariat of the International Common Cockle Genome Consortium
I believe in the importance of unions and associations to network and discuss with colleagues. Therefore, I have been and I am a member of different societies worldwide. Unfortunately, my time and money are limited and I cannot contribute as much as I would like. Check here my past and ongoing memberships
Awards, Grants and Fellowships
- 4 scientific prizes
- 5 outreach prizes
- 2 litterary prizes
- 1 drawing prize
Full detailed list can be checked here
- 2 grants
- 5 fellowships
- 2 scholarships
Full detailed list can be checked here
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Last update: Jan 2025